Lixadeira Elétrica Roto-Orbital

A Mirka desenvolveu sua Lixadeira Elétrica Roto-Orbital Compacta com objetivo de proporcionar que todos os clientes tenham acesso a sua tecnologia de lixamento livre de pó oferecendo assim sempre soluções completas e flexibilidade no lixamento. Seu desenho único e patenteado oferece a versatilidade e desempenho com um novo conceito de lixadeira elétrica de tamanho reduzido-compacta, baixo peso - leve e ergonômica – de fácil utilização e controle da superfície lixada. Utilizam os mesmos suportes das lixadeiras pneumáticas já existentes na linha Mirka. Utiliza um motor por indução, sem escovas, de alta potência que mantém sua velocidade constante não perdendo potência quando pressionada contra a superfície lixada. Funciona com baixo ruído e sua concepção é muito simples o que minimiza os componentes de reposição aumentando sua vida útil.

Mirka DEROS 350CV 77mm Orbit 5,0

Mirka DEROS 350CV 77mm Orbit 5,0

The Mirka® DEROS 350CV is a unique 77mm direct electric random orbital sander especially developed to tackle small sanding operations; small repairs, headlight restoration, bumper sanding, hard-to-reach areas and kitchen refurbishing. It is also suited for corrections on solid surface applications and interior furniture details. This model has a 77mm (3”) pad and 5mm oscillation for higher stock removal. Mirka® DEROS is developed for effective and dust-free sanding. The smallest and most ergonomic direct electric sander on the market has a brushless motor that maintains a constant speed even under heavy load. Vibration values are the lowest in its class and the symmetrical design ensures a comfortable grip, which means you can sand for long periods without fatigue. With an easy to operate lever, you can adjust speed in an instant. The separate on/off switch ensures easy and safe handling. Mirka® DEROS has an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology so you can keep track of vibration, speed and usage data via the myMirka app.
Mirka DEROS 5650CV 125/150mm Vacuum Orbit 5,0 Case

Mirka DEROS 5650CV 125/150mm Vacuum Orbit 5,0 Case

Direct electric random orbital sander developed for effective and dust-free sanding of all kind of surfaces. This upgraded Mirka® DEROS features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology. The smallest and most ergonomic sander on the market is equipped with a brushless motor, which maintains constant speed even under heavy load. With the lowest vibration values in its class and the unique symmetrical design guarantees that the tool can be used for long periods without fatigue. This model has a 150 mm (6”) pad and 5.0 mm oscillation. Mirka® DEROS 5650CV is delivered in a high quality plastic case, together with the 2-in-1 backing pad solution.
Mirka DEROS 650CV 150mm Central Vacuum Orbit 5,0

Mirka DEROS 650CV 150mm Central Vacuum Orbit 5,0

Direct electric random orbital sander developed for effective and dust-free sanding of all kind of surfaces. This upgraded Mirka® DEROS features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology. The smallest and most ergonomic sander on the market is equipped with a brushless motor, which maintains constant speed even under heavy load. With the lowest vibration values in its class and the unique symmetrical design guarantees that the tool can be used for long periods without fatigue. Mirka® DEROS 650CV direct electric random orbital sander is equipped with a 150 mm (6”) pad and has a 5 mm oscillation.
Mirka DEROS 680CV 150mm Central Vacuum Orbit 8,0

Mirka DEROS 680CV 150mm Central Vacuum Orbit 8,0

Direct electric random orbital sander developed for effective and dust-free sanding of all kind of surfaces. This upgraded Mirka® DEROS features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology. The smallest and most ergonomic sander on the market is equipped with a brushless motor, which maintains constant speed even under heavy load. With the lowest vibration values in its class and the unique symmetrical design guarantees that the tool can be used for long periods without fatigue. Mirka® DEROS 680CV direct electric random orbital sander is equipped with a 150 mm (6”) pad and has a 8 mm oscillation.
Mirka CEROS 650CV 150mm Central Vacuum Orbit 5,0

Mirka CEROS 650CV 150mm Central Vacuum Orbit 5,0

Esta Compacta Lixadeira Elétrica Roto-orbital Mirka® CEROS 650CV (Aspiração Central) com uma órbita 5,0 é adequada para quase todos os tipos de superfícies. Mirka® CEROS 650CV está equipada com um suporte de lixamento de 150 mm.