Clean Proactivity

We proactively look for ways to reduce the environmental footprint of our products. We do not use chemicals on the List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and are in full compliance with the EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals legislation (REACH).

Sustainable Innovation

We see sustainable innovation as smart and profitable. Here are some of the advancements we are making:

  • developing new low-energy technologies – this decreases the amount of energy needed to manufacture our coated abrasives.
  • switching to a non-heavy metal colouring agent – this reduces the amount of heavy metal in our products.
  • improving the handling and processing of waste resin – this ensures better health and safety for our workforce and decreases the chance of disposal hazards.
  • innovating new catalyst technology – this makes our thermal machine lines more efficient, reducing the energy consumption needed to make our products.
  • designing efficient product transport routes – this reduces our carbon footprint.


The Mirka Ltd Restricted Materials List (RML) specifies the chemical substances that are classified as "banned", "restricted" and "substances of concern".

Mirka Restricted Materials List (v. 1.2 / 27.10.2015)