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Paint Cup System with 125µm filter lid

The Mirka® Paint cup system is a complete paint cup system, ready to be attached to the spray gun (spray gun adapter to be bought separately). The set includes 50 liners and lids with a 125µm filter, 20 stoppers, one outer hard cup and one collar. All parts are corrosion-resistant to both paint and thinner.

The Mirka® Paint Mixing product range includes mixing cups, lids & systems, mixing sticks, paint strainers, practical dispensers and cloths. Caters for automative refinishing professional paint mixing needs.

Usar para

Paint Mixing

Detalhes técnicos

General Product Safety Regulation symbols



Mirka® Essentials PaintMixing Catalogue

Paint Cup System with 125µm filter lidPaint Cup System with 125µm filter lidPaint Cup System with 125µm filter lidPaint Cup System with 125µm filter lid