Mirka Introduces New Robotic Sanders and Polishers for Automation
30 September 2024
The Mirka® AIROS, the first smart electric sander designed for robotic sanding applications, is joined by new models: the Mirka AIOS sanding heads and the Mirka AIROP polishing head. The AIROS is also now available in a new small size.

Industry automation is a strongly growing trend and a clear need for a complete package for automated processes can be seen on several sectors, from wood to automotive to transportation vehicles. As a world leader in surface finishing technology, Mirka is on the forefront of innovation, introducing new robotic solutions for manufacturing processes.
When a square sander is needed, Mirka offers the AIOS 353CV with an 81x133mm pad suitable for surfaces and corners alike. In the wood sector, such as in manufacturing furniture, doors and windows, the AIOS 353CV can be used to drive up productivity and finishing quality with robotic precision.
The new AIOS, AIROS and AIROP versions are engineered for robotized finessing, for ensuring consistent quality while saving time. For sanding, the Mirka AIOS 130NV is aimed at spot repair work in an automated process, such as in automobile and transport manufacturing. The Mirka AIROS 150NV is the smallest AIROS sanding head yet, meant for more confined spaces, detail work and sanding of small areas where deflashing or deburring is needed.
The Mirka AIROP 312NV is a random orbital polisher with an advanced electric polishing head for robot usage. Featuring a 77mm pad, it is a robotic alternative for Mirka’s cordless polishers, and it is well matched with Mirka’s polishing pads and compounds.
Read more about Mirka's automation products and solutions here