Powertrain Precision Grinding

Unique Manufacturing Solution
Single-rim vitrified CBN wheels up to a diameter of 605mm, allowing:
- Perfect homogeneity of CBN rim around the entire diameter
- Improved surface finishes with larger CBN grit size
- Improved removal rates
- Abrasive-free neutral zone to allow complete superabrasive use while protecting wheel body
- Fewer grinding steps, shorter cycle time
- Customisable specifications, flexible production
- Global network of technical specialists
- Tolerances down to 0.01-0.02 mm
Consistent OD results with short grinding times
Top Performance
- Improved thermal control
- Grinding time reduction
- Single-rim quality
Optimised wheel dressing time
End Results
- Longer time between dressing intervals
- Improved surface value characteristics
- No scatter marks and no burning
Peace of mind through security
Long-Term Advantage
- By the time you reach the final polishing process, you will have a better surface to begin with, including less waving on journal profiles.
- Superior supply chain – fast and reliable delivery times
- Flexibility and customisation of the products and services
- Total offering with lower TCO, from tools to wheels to tapes

Repeatable performance, reliable partner.
Mirka’s abrasive films are what you need to achieve consistent functional surface values in your superfinishing or polishing operation. Featuring an anti-slip dot pattern on the back, we offer two different film products to help you easily select the right product for your specific polishing needs