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Polishing Foam Pad Yellow Waffle Ø 180 mm

A polishing pad with medium density hardness and waffle shape. The durable reticulated foam has an excellent elasticity. The waffle shape has an optimized pattern which improves the cutting performance and reduces the surface temperature during the polishing process. The pad is designed to be used in combination with Polarshine® Polishing Compounds, for both cutting with Polarshine® 15 and polishing with Polarshine® 10 and 8. The foam pad is suitable for all kinds of polishing processes: paintworks in ART, Marine and Wood sectors as well as Vehicle and Tier1. Thickness 25 mm.

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Teknisk specifikation

180 mm
General Product Safety Regulation symbols
Polishing Foam Pad Yellow Waffle Ø 180 mmPolishing Foam Pad Yellow Waffle Ø 180 mmPolishing Foam Pad Yellow Waffle Ø 180 mm